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What Other Visitors Have Said

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This Father's Day 
People tell me I’m strong, For all that I’ve gone through, But this day is hard, Spending it without you. I try not to be sad, For you’re not truly …

ALWAYS Not rated yet
There is always going to be things and people in this world you just wont understand there is always going to be people who dont understand you …

Power of the Unspoken Word Not rated yet
It was late one evening after my children had gone to bed. I was only three months into a whirlwind of a life altering change in my life and my children's …

Be Optimistic Not rated yet
Be optimistic in your life, Believe that things will go your way, And if you need a little help, Take some time and pray. You need to have positive …

Hope Not rated yet
We all need to have hope, That things will go our way, But the one thing we must do, Is pray each and every day. If something in your life is wrong, …

Imagination Of Life Not rated yet

A temple in India (Tirupati) Not rated yet
There I am, the riches and bounds of lively hills the coolest wind blows and make my eyes chills All over here, it is the place where people see a ray …

I Watched You Not rated yet
I read a poem today, Written to her mom with blazing red hair. It made me realize what I have failed to do. I never let my mom know how much I care. …

Listen to Your Heart Not rated yet
Listen to your heart, You will never go wrong, Because it is coming from inside of you, And now it won't be long. Your heart will have the answer, …

A New Year's Poem Not rated yet
Another year has passed, And a new year is about to begin, Everything you put your mind to, Will be accomplished and you will win. Just look forward …

twitter poem Not rated yet
Twitter Lord I am addicted I wanna be more than your fan. Send me a word. Add me in your number Call me friend.

My son, My heart. Not rated yet
Years ago they came with their chains and took me away from all that I love, My son, My heart. I cried out to them to let me go, but they abused me all …

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